How My Grandparents’ Jewellery Factory Work Inspired My Mission to Build Humanoid Robots

What inspired me to build a different kind of robotics company

My grandparents worked their entire lives in jewellery production.

From a young age, I observed that their work was very repetitive and monotonous—they performed the same tasks millions of times throughout their lives. I could see this type of work was not enjoyable, and my grandparents rarely saw the world beyond their production environment. Decades later, millions of jobs just like this exist today.

Even as a child, these working conditions and monotonous work seemed unfair to me. I knew I wanted to do something about it. This experience planted the seeds of a vision that would eventually lead me to found HumaNoid.

Years later, I took over a small family jewellery business and grew it to a capitalisation of $1 billion. At our production facility, there were about 2,000 people working on preparing jewellery models, performing the same tasks every day.

Witnessing this firsthand, I came to believe that it is possible to improve working conditions and the quality of life for people through automation and the development of humanoid robots. Instead of taking people’s jobs as many fear, I believe that robots can free people from routine and repetitive tasks, allowing them to engage in more creative and meaningful work.

These beliefs inspired me to focus on developing humanoid robots to improve working conditions to help transform economies and empower individuals. 

It’s up to us as humanity and builders to take responsibility for humane, safe development of this technology.

At HumaNoid, our mission is to redefine the intersection of robotics and human potential. This venture isn’t just another AI pipe dream – it’s a bold leap towards a future where advanced humanoid robots seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, amplifying human capacity in ways we’ve only imagined in science fiction.

As a veteran investor and entrepreneur, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of technology. Over the past decade, I’ve founded and funded ventures that push the boundaries of innovation, but my current focus represents the most ambitious endeavor yet: advancing robotics to address critical global challenges.

Our team is developing robots designed to seamlessly integrate into various industries, tackling tasks deemed hazardous or monotonous. This isn’t about replacing human workers but rather about augmenting our capabilities and freeing individuals to pursue more fulfilling endeavors.

The implications of this technology are profound. We’re not merely solving labor shortages: we’re laying the groundwork for a societal shift. By automating routine tasks, we open the door to universal basic income and a reevaluation of work itself. This is the key to unlocking an era of unprecedented human creativity and well-being.

Critics may question the feasibility or ethics of such advanced robotics. However, I believe that with careful development and thoughtful integration, these concerns can be addressed. Our approach prioritizes safety, scalability and ethical considerations at every stage.

The robotics revolution is inevitable. As we stand on the cusp of this technological revolution, it’s crucial that we have leaders who understand both the technical challenges and the broader societal implications. 

The question is not if it will happen but how it will shape our world. By focusing on practical applications that enhance human capabilities, we can ensure this technology serves the greater good, ushering in an era of innovation and prosperity for all.

This isn’t about replacing humans – it’s about freeing us to pursue our true passions and potential. I envision a future where universal basic income becomes a reality, allowing society to evolve beyond the constraints of menial labor. 

This isn’t about replacing humans – it’s about freeing us to pursue our true passions and potential. I envision a future where universal basic income becomes a reality, allowing society to evolve beyond the constraints of menial labor. 

With HumaNoid, we’re not just building robots. We’re building a bridge to a new chapter of human civilization.




August 15, 2024


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